Saturday 28 July 2012


Trans fats destroy your blood vessels and arteries, crush organs like the heart and brain and make your RealAge much, much older. But these bad-boy fats are also super-bullies: They ramp up anger and aggressiveness. If you send your kid off to school -- or your head to work -- after a breakfast of transfat filled stuff, you're fuelling bully behaviour and failing performance or grades! Our advice:

Instead transform breakfast with these three easy steps:

  1. Indulge in (organic, if possible) blueberries; raspberries and strawberries for a sweet touch to 100 percent wholegrain cereals. They power the body and brain for sharper thinking. Add apples for their quercetin, a phytochemicals that's been linked to increased stamina.
  2. Say nuts! Sprinkle chopped walnuts, almonds or other nuts on your morning meal to enjoy their heart-healthy benefits and help replace vitamins and minerals that mean-spirited trans fats help deplete, including many B's, along with selenium and zinc.
  3. Have an orange for a mid-morning snack (in school or at work); 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and its accompanying polyphenols (and the act of peeling it) reduces stress. And taking that tasty-treat break helps soothe aggression and anxiety.


There's a lot you can do to prevent flares and pain. Gout happens when your body either makes too much or excretes (in you urine) too little uric acid, a byproduct of purine, a chemical that's in almost all human tissues and some foods. Those uric acid molecules cause trouble when they get together and form sharp, pointy crystals that lodge in joints and tissues. So to dodge gout flares:
Step 1: Avoid alcohol and purine containing foods like asparagus, organ and game meats, dried beans and peas, herring, mackerel, mushrooms, sardines and scallops. They encourage the body to overproduce uric acid.
Step 2: Shed excess weight; it's proven to reduce flares.
Step 3: Lower blood pressure; you'll remove another trigger for painful attacks.
To help you get through steps 1-2-3, try a veggie-centred diet.
  • High-fibre foods and veggies - as well as fruit loaded with folate and vitamin C -- protect against gout.
  • Low fat dairy is a gout chaser too. But no low-carb diets; that'll end up making your gout worse.
  • Drink plenty of water daily to flush out uric acid.
  • Enjoy coffee; it helps get rid of those nasty crystals, and avoid fructose rich drinks, including orange juice.
  • Work out (10,000 steps every day)! And de-stress; tension's a big gout attack trigger.
  • Try taking glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


                  There are 3 ways by which you can get rid of dandruff. By following any one of these ways, you can be free of dandruff.

                Aloe vera gel is a soothing, healing gel that aids in dry skin peeling. Know for keeping in skin's natural moisture, aloe vera gel is also a great cure for sunburns. You can purchase aloe vera gel at your local drugstore, or you can purchase an aloe plant and remove the pure gel from the leaves yourself. Apply a silver dollar-size amount of aloe vera gel to your scalp about 10 minutes before getting into the shower. Leave the gel in for about 10 minutes, then rinse out in the shower before shampooing. The gel will moisturize your scalp, making it less dry after shampooing. For severe cases of dandruff, leave the aloe vera gel on overnight before showering in the morning.

                Olive oil is a natural moisturizer that seeps deep into the scalp to condition it. You can purchase olive oil at your local grocery store. It doesn't matter which kind of olive oil you use, so pick the most inexpensive bottle. Saturate your hair and scalp completely in olive oil and wrap your head in saran wrap. Then, place a shower cap over your head and leave the treatment on overnight. In the morning, unwrap your head and wash your hair thoroughly with anti-dandruff shampoo and warm water. You don't need to condition your hair after using olive oil. Repeat as often as necessary to maintain a flake-free scalp.

               Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory medication that helps to calm the itchiness and redness associated with dandruff. Crush up two aspirin tablets and place them into your shampoo bottle. Shake the shampoo well before using it. Then, use the shampoo as you normally would, and condition afterwards. If you experience no relief, add more crushed-up aspirin to the shampoo.

Monday 16 July 2012


                    Summer is about baring skin and showing off  the beautiful (fake) summer tan you have. But in order to look good baring that skin, you need to take some time to ready your skin and reverse the signs of neglect you showed your skin during fall, winter and spring.
Knock of each step on my skin care tips for glowing skin and you'll be ready to pull out your favorite summer dress in no time flat.

               It is so very important to exfoliate your skin. Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day. If you don't get rid of them, they'll just sit on your skin making you look dull and dry. No matter how much lotion you use, you're never going to have glowing skin if you don't exfoliate. Grab a body scrub and hit the shower. Gently rub your exfoliator in circular movements on your entire body from the shoulders down (you'll want a facial exfoliator for your face and neck) and rinse clean. Continue to do this 2-3 times a week for year-round beautiful skin.
              Product Pick: Aquolina Pink sugar Body Scrub (compare prices) is a fun summer scrub with hints of raspberry, orange and lily of the valley.
              I won't ask for a show of hands; you know who you are. In the winter, what is the point of keeping your legs religiously shaved daily when you know your legs will never see the light of day? Those lazy days of winter are over. Find a good razor that won't cause razor burn. I'm a fan of Gilette's Mach 3. When picking out a shaving cream, don't choose the men's cream; a shaving cream lotion is much better for your skin as it will hydrate and help ward off nicks and cuts. In a pinch? Use your conditioner for a moisturizing shaving cream.
              Find a summer lotion that you won't forget to put on. It's time to pack away your thick winter body butters for more light summer lotions. You don't have time to wait for your lotion to sink in, so look for something light fast absorbing. Gels and Purees are perfect fast absorbers. I personally love to break out the coconut or mango scented lotion for summer. Nothing spells summer more than a light refreshing fruity lotion. Make sure you apply right after you dry off from your shower. You need to seal in the moisture your body just soaked in.
            Product Pick: Pacifica - Bali Lime Papaya Body Lotion is a sweet scented lotion perfect for summer.

            Your have so many choices when it comes to adding a little summer tint to your skin, and the tanning bed shouldn't be one of them. Using a sunless tanner will give your skin a beautiful start to summer. Even if you're not a fan of sunless tanners all over your body, you can happily use them on your face. If you alternate your facial moisturizer with on that builds a bit of color, you'll have a healthy glow that will make it look as though you just spent the weekend on the beach. Most facial tanners build color gradually, by alternating with your regular moisturizer, you'll never get too dark.
           Product Pick: Face  - Lancome = Flash Bronzer
                 Body - Clarins = Self Tanning Gel

                Winter boots have long since been packed away; it's sandal season ladies. Either go and get a pedicure (try a beauty school if cost is a factor), or give yourself an at-home pedicure. You scrub off the dead dry skin to reveal your sandal ready feet. Nothing is worse than seeing dull dry feet inside cute sandals. It doesn't have to be a big or deal. Keep a foot scrub and file in your shower and scrub your feet a few times a week. You'll notice a big difference in the softness of your feet.
           Product Pick: Bliss - Foot Patrol uses salicylic acid to exfoliate, which will leave your skin super smooth.

           Buy a new polish for your toes. Toe nails can be painted a much bolder color than you would usually put on your fingernails. Pick out something that screams summer. Polish tends to stay on your toes much longer than your finger nails. Apply a clear base coat, two applications of color and a clear top coat to protect. Go barefoot or put on your flip-flops for atleast a couple hours to make sure your polish won't dent.
            Product Pick: Nars - Orgasm is a great color to go with bronze, summer skin.

            Throw away last year's unused sunscreen for a new bottle. Sunscreens aren't meant to last forever, and seeing most people don't use as much as they should, I bet you have a bottle or two stored away. Be safe and pick up a new one. And don't forget the most important sunscreen advice: USE IT. You should be using a shot glass full for your body, and a full teaspoon just on your face. Reapply every 1-2 hours that you are in the sun to ensure a summer full of safe sun fun.
            Product Pick: Coppertone - Nutra Shield Sunscreen Lotion is a great drugstore sunscreen that has UVA and UVB products. It comes in SPF 30 and SPF 70.



Bowel- Cleansing: The bitter taste of lemon gives these fruit the ability to increase peristalsis–a pumping-motion in the bowels–which helps to eliminate waste from the bowels and improve regularity. Add the juice of one lemon to warm water and drink first thing in the morning.

Cancer : Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene—a naturally-occur ring oil that slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals. Lemons also contain a substance called flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.

Colds and Flu: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work in conjunction for a serious punch against infection.

Liver: Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifier.

Nutrition: Lemons contain vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins,calciu m, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.

Balances Body Chemistry: While lemons are acidic they interact with the body’smetabolis m to have an alkalizing effect on the bodily fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH.

Allergies: Lemons contain the phytonutrient hesperetin which has been shown in studies to alleviate allergic symptoms.

Brain and Nervous System Disorders: Containing the potent phytonutrient tangeretin in the peel, lemons have been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

Eye Disorders: Rutin, found in lemons, has been shown in research to improve the symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy.

Anti-Viral: In addition to being effective against cold and flu viruses, terpene limonoids found in lemons have proven anti-viral effects on other types of viruses.

Diabetes: In addition to improving eye problems linked with diabetes, lemons contain hesperetin which lowers blood sugar levels (when they are high).

Gall and Kidney Stones: The citric acid found in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones.

Anti-Aging: The vitamin C found in lemons helps to neutralize free radicals linked to aging and most types of disease.

Cook with Lemon! Pasta with Leeks and Lemon Asparagus Risotto with Lemon.


Hinders Intellectual Development:

   If a child skips breakfast, will be fatigued, unable to concentrate and lack cognitive stimulation.

Weight Gain:

   If you skip breakfast, you are likely to overeat at other meals or snack to keep energy levels up and hunger pains down. A daily pass on breakfast can sabotage your diet and create conditions that lead to weight gain.

Makes U Healthy:

    Those who eat breakfast get more calcium, fiber, zinc, iron, vitamins A and C and riboflavin. They also benefit from lower levels of cholesterol and dietary fat than breakfast skippers.
* Lowered risks for heart disease
* Metabolic syndrome and digestive disorders
* Increased bone health and physical energy.

Metabolism Booster:

Eat breakfast and you will experience more energy all day and be in a better mood.
Latest study says breakfast boosts metabolism, reduces fatigue and promotes better concentration and performance.
Eating breakfast provides the enzymes that burn more fat by kick-starting your metabolism early in the day.
Breakfast eaters metabolize fat better and consume fewer calories throughout the rest of the day.

Sunday 15 July 2012


ACNE TYPES: Acne Vulgaris; Cystic Acne; Pimples; Zits

Definition: Acne is a skin condition that causes whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red growths (papules, pustules, and cysts) to form. These growths are commonly called pimples or "zits".

Causes, Incidence and Risk Factors: Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin called pores, become clogged.
Each pore is an opening to a follicle, which contains a hair and an oil gland. These oil glands help lubricate the skin and help remove old skin cells.
When glands produce too much oil, the pores can become blocked. Dirty, debris, bacteria and inflammatory cells build up. The blockage is called a PLUG  or COMEDONE.
The top of the plug may be white (whitehead) or dark (blackhead).
If the top of the plug breaks open, the material inside causes swelling and red bumps are formed.
If the inflammation is deep in your skin, the pimples may enlarge to form firm, painful cysts.
Acne is a problem of swelling inflammation, not a problem caused by bacteria.
Acne is most common in teenagers, but it can happen at any age, even in an infant. Three out of four teenagers have some acne. Hormonal changes probably cause increased oil in the skin.
1. Acne tends to run in families and can be triggered by:
Hormonal changes related to menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills or stress.
2. Greasy or oily cosmetic and hair products:
Certain drugs (such as steroids, testosterone, estrogen and phenytoin)
3. High levels of humidity and sweating:
Despite the popular belief that chocolate, nuts and greasy foods cause acne, research does not confirm this idea. Diets high in refined sugars may be related to acne, though.
Acne commonly appears on the face and shoulders, but it may also occurs on the TRUNK, ARMS, LEGS AND BUTTOCKS.
           Your doctor can diagnose acne based on the appearance of the skin. Testing is usually not required.
Clean your skin gently with a mild, nondrying soap (such as Dove, Neutrogena, Cetaphil, Cerave, or Basics). Remove all dirt or make-up. Wash once or twice a day, including after exercising. However, avoid scrubbing or repeated skin washing.
Shampoo your hair daily, especially if it is oily. Comb or pull your hair to keep the hair out of your face.
     WHAT NOT TO DO???
Try not to squeeze, scratch, pick, or rub the pimples. Although it might be tempting to do this, it can lead to skin infections and scarring.
Avoid wearing tight headbands, baseball caps and other hats.
Avoid touching your face with your hands or fingers.
Avoid greasy cosmetics or creams. Take off make-up at night. Look for water-based or "non-comedogenic" formulas. Non-comedogenic products have been tested and proven not to clog pores and cause acne.
=>  If these steps do not clear up the blemishes, try over-the-counter acne medications. You apply these                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              products directly to your skin.
=>  They may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol or salicylic acid.
=>  They work by killing bacteria, drying up skin oils, or causing the top layer of your skin to peel.
=>  They may cause redness or peeling of the skin.
=>  A small amount of sun exposure may improve acne a little, but mostly it just hides the acne.  However,     too much exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays is not recommended because it increases the risk for skin cancer.
      If pimples are still a problem, a health care provider can prescribe stronger medications and discuss other options with you.
Antibiotics may help some people with acne:
Topical antibiotics (applied to the skin) such as CLINDAMYCIN, ERYTHROMYCIN OR DAPSONE.
Creams or gels applied to the skin may be prescribed:
Retinoic acid cream or gel (tretinoin, Retin-A)
Prescription formulas of benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid.
For women whose acne is caused or made worse by hormones:
A pill called SPIRONOLACTONE may help
Birth control pills may help in some cases, though they may make acne worse
Minor procedures or treatments may also be helpful:
A laser procedure called  PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY
Your doctor may also suggest chemical skin peeling, removal of scars by dermabrasion, or removal, drainage, or injection of cysts with cortisone.
People who have cystic acne and scarring may try a medicine called ISOTRETINOIN (Accutane). You will be watched closely when taking this medicine because of its side effects.
Pregnant women should NOT take Accutane, because it causes severe birth defects. Women taking Accutane must use two forms of birth control before starting the drug and enroll in the ipledge program. Your doctor will follow you on this drug and you will have regular blood tests.
Acne usually goes away after the teenage years, but it may last into middle age. The condition often responds well to treatment after 6-8 weeks, but it may flare up from time to time.
Scarring may occur if severe acne is not treated.
     Calling your doctor or a dermatologist if:
Self-care measures and over-the-counter medicine have not helped after several months.
Your acne is severe (for example, you have a lot of redness around the pimples or you have cysts).
Your acne is getting worse.
You develop scars as your acne clears up.


          Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have been proven to work wonders for your heart, and the arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. A diet including fish can help prevent cardiovascular disease and heart failure by preventing the accumulation of triglycerides, reducing the levels of excess triglycerides, increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol and preventing blood clots. The benefits are greater for oily fish such as SALMON and MACKEREL which are higher in omega-3 fatty acids.
          Fish oil may be useful for lowering blood pressure, but their role in prevention is unclear. However, taking fish oil pills is not recommended.
          According to a study done at the University of Georgia, fish oil with DHA helps stop the conversion of pre-fat cells into fat cells by causing them to die, thus reducing overall accumulation of fat.
          Omega-3 in fish has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer - breast, colon and prostate.
           The Omega-3 fatty acids that a fish provides assist with the development of your brain. Proper intake of omega-3 helps maintain good mental focus levels in both children and adults.
            It is well known that fish is good for its ability to improve vision. Fish fights macular degeneration, glaucoma and dry-eye syndrome. A recent study found that people who eat at least two servings of fish per week are half as likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (a leading cause of age-related blindness) as those who eat no fish at all.
            Omega-3 fatty acids on fish oil is god relieving depression and anxiety.
             Fish, particularly fish oil, has anti-inflammatory properties; therefore, it is effective in reducing inflammation in blood and tissues. Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA found in fish oil, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response thus it is very helpful in relieving painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis and cystitis.